Some organizations see things as they are and say, why; Learning Life dreams things that never were and says, why not?  – Adapted from George Bernard Shaw, Back to Methuselah, Act I.  

Learning Life is a Washington DC-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit developing inclusive learning communities in order to widen participation in democracy and diplomacy for our interdependent yet divided world.

With this mission in mind, we run three programs:

Our Democracy Learning Community (DLC) in the Washington DC area is working to make democracy more fun and inclusive by connecting professionals, publics and policymakers via social events, products, services and spaces that nurture fun, learning, networking, collaboration and wider, deeper citizen participation.

The Family Diplomacy Initiative (FDI) connects people worldwide across lines of country, class, race and religion via the internet to share and learn together about families and citizen diplomacy with an eye to developing a corps of trained family diplomats to advocate for a more caring world via media, businesses, nonprofits and governments.

Citizen Diplomacy International (CDI) gathers diplomacy scholars, students, professionals, and volunteers worldwide every three months online via Zoom to share news and presentations on CD research and practice, local to global, with an eye to building a vibrant global CD sector for a more participatory, equitable and sustainable world. 

Besides informing you about our programs, this website also features an Education Page, which presents our educational credo, links to many of our articles on education, plus past educational projects, including a variety of quizzes, fact sheets and expert views.

Curious about Learning Life’s impact and activities year to year?  Check out our most recent annual reports for 2022, 2021, and 2020. Visit our News & Blog page for a closer look at Learning Life’s ideas, activities and participants, and our People Page to learn about the growing number of individuals advancing our work.  Also, check out our social media pages on Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin for our latest posts, and follow us on any of these platforms.

Finally, I encourage you to click on our Support page to learn how you can help advance our work.

Thank you for visiting us, and thank you for your support!

Paul Lachelier, Ph.D.
Founder & Director, Learning Life