Stakeholder Spotlight: Nick Burton
The “Stakeholder Spotlight” is an occasional series of posts highlighting people who are helping to advance Learning Life’s work. Our third post in this series features Nick Burton, who interned with Learning Life in summer 2014, while he was a student at Liberty University. Now a successful real estate investor, Nick reconnected with Learning Life founder, Paul Lachelier, last year, and began donating generously to support Learning Life’s work. For ways you can support Learning Life, click here.
What is your current occupation?
I am currently a Real Estate Investor.
In 1-2 paragraphs, please tell us more about you.
I am a DC native. I decided dropping out of college and becoming a full-time real estate professional was the way to go. For seven years, I have served as Tim Bratz’s Director Of Acquisitions for Legacy Wealth Holdings, wholesaling hundreds of single-family homes and purchasing thousands of apartment units. The Legacy Wealth team and myself have also coached over 1,000 real estate investors on how to simplify and scale into the multifamily real estate world. As an avid collectibles and memorabilia collector, I pride myself on my organization and willingness to collaborate to get the job done.
Why did you decide to support Learning Life?
Paul Lachelier was one of the only people to ever give me a chance. He gave me an internship when nobody else would even look at my resume. Paul is an outstanding individual with the drive and heart to really make a change.