Sponsor Local Artists on Coasters in Metro D.C. Eateries
As part of our mission to use surfaces to inform and engage more people, Learning Life’s D.C. Arts Coaster Initiative aims to publicize the work of metro Washington D.C. artists in an innovative and eye-catching way — on collectible, pulpboard coasters we will distribute in metro D.C. eateries.
We are now recruiting five inaugural sponsors. Each inaugural sponsor that makes a fully tax-deductible donation of $1,000 will have their name, logo and website featured alongside a local artist’s D.C. landmark painting on 5,000 full-color, collectible arts coasters we will distribute in eateries in 1-2 metro D.C. neighborhoods of your choice.
See below for the participating artists and their paintings. As a sponsor, you choose which artwork(s) below you wish to have featured on the other side of the coasters you sponsor. Interested sponsors should contact us at email@learninglife.info for details.
The Benefits
- An eye-catching, collectible and community-supporting way for sponsors to reach metro D.C. residents and visitors
- A novel way to engage local residents and visitors with the arts in our metro D.C. community.
- Free promotion for selected metro D.C. artists
Metro D.C. artists who paint D.C. landmarks and are interested in participating free of charge in our D.C. Arts Coaster Initiative should contact us at email@learninglife.info with a link to their website, or attach photos featuring their D.C. landmarks paintings.
Zachary Sasim
Born in the USSR, Zachary Sasim (also known as Zakhar), has been a painter most of his life. While working professionally for 12 years in Bulgaria, he gradually crafted a unique impressionistic style that is marked by wild and passionate play of colors and is created by combining traditional brush strokes and palette knife technique. Zachary moved to the United States in 2004, and has since earned the recognition and respect of the Washington D.C. community. His bright and colorful paintings are found in numerous metro D.C. homes as well as government offices, including those of several U.S. Senators and Representatives. Zachary’s artwork can also be found at D.C.’s famed Eastern Market, and online at zacharysasim.com.

Damien Savage
Originally from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Damien Savage is an artist who paints in his free time “as a way to escape from the Monday-Friday corporate life.” Damien started by creating unique pieces for his apartment, then began to receive requests from friends, family and others. “My medium of choice is acrylic paint and wood stain to fill wooden pallets found on the street, or self-constructed wooden canvases.” He welcomes commissioned work, and consults with his customers “to give them exactly what they want down to the color shade.” Photos of his paintings can be found at damiensavage.com.

Joel Traylor
Joel is a Washington D.C. native. While growing up he had a keen interest in writing, music, theater, and photography. He sent stories to publishers and shredded guitar riffs in the garage. In 1996, he spread a roll of paper on the wall of his apartment and spent the summer with oils and charcoal, discovering his visual art. In 2000, Joel studied multimedia design with thoughts of web and animation. He simultaneously began exhibiting his work in galleries, markets, and art festivals. “I make art because I enjoy navigating my curiosity with form and color. You never know where you’ll end up when you take a line for a walk,” he explains. You can find Joel and his artwork at joeltraylor.com as well as on occasional Saturdays at Eastern Market and at art events in metro D.C.