Sponsor the DMV Democracy Learning Community

Live and/or work in the Washington, DC region?  Doing democracy-related work?  Want to get more exposure, build relationships, learn, and help widen and deepen participation in democracy in the U.S. capital region?  Then become a DMV Democracy Learning Community (DLC) sponsor.

DLC sponsors get:

  1. Free entry plus table space at the DMV Democracy Festival‘s culminating democracy market (free entry for two persons at $250 sponsor level, and two more tickets per level above $250; see sponsor levels below).
  2. Free entry for two persons to all five of the Democracy Dinners, held in person roughly every two months.
  3. Priority listing in DMV Democracy Dispatch community updates.
  4. 25% discount on advertising in the DMV Democracy Dispatch.
  5. Featured in a profile in the DMV Democracy Dispatch.
  6. Prominent listing in a public online list of DMV democracy organizations, where we share a description of you or your organization, your contact information, and you can submit periodic updates, deals or other information you wish to share.
  7. Recognition as a DLC sponsor at the DMV Democracy Festival.
  8. Listing as a DLC sponsor at the DLC page at Learning Life’s website.

Individual and organizational sponsors all get the same benefits (with exception of DemFest tickets), but pay at different annual sponsorship levels depending on their prior year gross revenue, as follows:

$100,000 or less: $250
$100,001 to $250,000: $500
$250,001 to $400,000: $1,000
$400,001 to $800,000: $2,000
$800,001 to $1,200,000: $3,000
$1,201,000 to $1,600,000: $4,000
$1,601,000 or more: $5,000

Further sponsorship details:

For the Democracy Dinners, please RSVP at least seven days in advance of your chosen Dinner date(s).  Once you RSVP, dinner details will come via email closer to your Dinner date(s).

For Dispatch profiles, here is an example of an individual sponsor profile, and here is an example of an organizational sponsor profile.  In the latter case, profiles can also be made to focus strictly on your organization.

Learning Life reserves sole decision-making authority in selecting DemFest sponsors.  All sponsors must be doing some kind of democracy-related work, be it election administration, voting rights, voter mobilization, campaign finance reform, economic democracy, empowering the marginalized, government transparency and accountability, citizen diplomacy, civic education, community volunteering, civic associations, citizen dialogue and policy deliberation, human rights, civil liberties, and else.

To become a DLC Sponsor, first email us at email@learninglife.info with your interest in sponsoring as an individual or organization.   

“[The DLC] brings together people who are actually living their democratic values.  It’s exciting to see them discover one another.” -Bill Schneider, DLC sponsor, and former CNN Senior Political Analyst.