Sponsor Citizen Diplomacy International
Interested in international relations and diplomacy? Care about giving voice to more people in world affairs? Want to help build a vibrant global citizen diplomacy sector? Then become a sponsor a Citizen Diplomacy International (CDI) Sponsor.
You or your organization can sponsor CDI at the following levels:
Gold ($5,000)
Silver ($3,000)
Bronze ($1,000)
Gold ($1,000)
Silver ($500)
Bronze ($250)
Sponsor contributions are 100% tax deductible in the USA, and help support the maintenance and growth of CDI. Unless you or your organization wish to remain anonymous, all CDI Sponsors are announced via Learning Life’s website, e-newsletter, CDI email list, and/or social media pages (Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter), reaching over 30,000 people worldwide. Silver and Gold sponsors have the opportunity to be profiled at Learning Life’s website, with the profile disseminated via our social media. Here is an example of a Learning Life sponsor/stakeholder profile. Gold sponsors can also get more customized connection to Learning Life’s large and growing network in the Washington DC area and worldwide.
To become a CDI Sponsor, contribute at your chosen Sponsor level here. Please write “CDI Sponsor” in the Note box, or if you do not wish to be identified publicly, write “anonymous CDI sponsor.”
For more information, contact us at email@learninglife.info.