Spotlight: Fall 2022 Learning Life Interns
Learning Life’s interns do vital work responsible for the energy and growth of our organization. This fall, their work included outreach to thousands of people on Facebook and Linkedin to help grow the Family Diplomacy Initiative (FDI) worldwide, and our Democracy Learning Community; management, video production and impact evaluation for our first annual training of family diplomats; fundraising research and outreach; plus poster design and social media communications. Learning Life is very grateful for their dedicated work. You can learn a little about each of them below.

Janice Dias
Year, major, and school: I graduated from the University of the District of Columbia with a Bachelor’s in Political Science in August 2021.
Hobbies: In 2021, I started running, and I fell in love with it. I run at least three times a week. One of my goals is to run a marathon. I love to travel, especially exploring the USA, because I am not originally from here, and it is always nice to visit places I’ve only seen on TV growing up. I also love reading fiction books. One of my favorite authors is Jenny Han. Her stories are always captivating.
Career aspirations: I am multi-passionate. I want to do almost everything in my lifetime, but there are two things I know for sure I will do. First, I want to have a non-profit one day focusing on education. My target audience will be low-income individuals of all ages and backgrounds. Second, I want to have a successful business in the beauty and fitness industry. I am a certified body sculpting technician, and a Permanent MakeUp (PMU) Artist. I plan on expanding my business to offer courses about my services.
Why Learning Life? I chose Learning Life because it focuses on democracy, diplomacy, and education on national and international levels. Before I joined, I read about Learning Life’s projects, like the Family Diplomacy Initiative. It caught my attention because it brings people worldwide together to share their cultures, some of their personal stories, and the hardships their countries are facing. The media overlooks some of these issues, but when you have someone in the Learning Life family diplomacy community facing it, and divulging it to you, it motivates you more to advocate for and support them, even if they are thousands of miles from you. These are circumstances that make us citizen diplomats without our noticing.
Yasmina El Argoubi
Allison Hechmer
Year, major, and school: I am a senior at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill studying Psychology, Spanish for the Professions, and Speech and Hearing Sciences.
Hobbies: I enjoy spending time with friends and family, playing tennis, trying out new workout classes, live music, traveling, going to the farmer’s market, and cooking!
Career aspirations: I am looking to work in a career in which I can make a difference in someone’s life. As of right now, I feel pulled in multiple directions as to what this could look like (i.e., lawyer, speech pathologist). Whatever my career will look like, I hope to utilize my Spanish language skills.
Why Learning Life? In the spring of 2022, I had the opportunity to live with a host family and study at the University of Deusto for a semester in Bilbao, Spain. During this time, I was able to travel throughout Europe, experience different cultures, and see what people’s lives look like outside of the U.S. It was extremely eye-opening and inspired me to look into an organization that fosters positive growth throughout the world. I began looking for internships in the realm of international affairs and stumbled upon Learning Life. I was instantly drawn to this nonprofit because I knew that by being a part of Learning Life, I would be making a difference in people’s lives across the world. It has been very inspiring to be a part of this team, and I have benefitted from being an intern immensely.

Year, major, and school: I am a junior at Davidson College majoring in Political Science and Hispanic Studies on the Pre-Law track.
Hobbies: I absolutely love puzzles of any kind – jigsaw, logic, wooden, and Sudoku. My house has a designated puzzle table, so there is almost always something to work on. I am also an avid coffee drinker and enjoy finding new coffee shops to try.
Career aspirations: After completing my undergraduate education, I hope to go directly to law school. I am not exactly sure what type of law I want to study, but I imagine it will be either Constitutional, immigration, or civil rights law.
Why Learning Life? I was immediately drawn to Learning Life’s goal of working toward building a more caring world through the efforts of families. I love the idea that ordinary people can serve as diplomats and be the force working toward peace. I was also excited about the international online platform that allows people across the world to be exposed to a wide array of issues.
Edward Taylor
Year, major, and school: I am a graduating senior at Marymount University in Arlington, Virginia. I am majoring in political science, with a minor in history.