Sponsor a Family Diplomat

Think family is important?  Then, help Learning Life give voice to families worldwide.

Across the world, families are widely valued, directly impacted by global trends and events, yet they are given little to no voice in the decisions of governments, businesses, media and nonprofits that affect their lives. Since 2016, Learning Life has been developing the Family Diplomacy Initiative (FDI), a grassroots, long-term effort to build a more peaceful, caring world by empowering families to participate in policy decision-making at local to global levels.

Yes, we’re ambitious, but we’re cost-effectively leveraging the power of family and the internet, and we’re making progress: we have over 19,000 people worldwide connected to FDI, we’ve engaged 1,000+ people in family-focused dialogues, and in 2022 we began training international family diplomats (FDs) online to advocate effectively for families.

Sponsor Levels & Benefits

You or your organization can help by investing to advance family diplomacy worldwide.  


Gold ($5,000): Fund the training of 5 Family Diplomats

Silver ($3,000): Fund the training of 3 Family Diplomats

Bronze ($1,000): Fund the training of 1 Family Diplomat


Gold ($1,000): Fund the training of 1 Family Diplomat.

Silver ($500): Fund half the training of 1 Family Diplomat.

Bronze ($250): Fund a quarter of the training of 1 Family Diplomat.

All sponsors have the choice to sponsor and connect with a particular FD.  You can meet some of our FDs.  All sponsors are announced (unless you or your organization choose to remain anonymous) via Learning Life’s website, , and social media pages on Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter, reaching over 30,000 people worldwide.  All sponsors also get invited to special international family diplomacy events, and have the opportunity to be profiled at Learning Life’s website.  Here is an example of a sponsor/stakeholder profile.  Sponsor contributions are 100% tax deductible in the USA. Organizational Gold sponsors can also get more personalized and customized access to Learning Life’s large and growing network in metro Washington DC, and worldwide.

To become a FD Sponsor, click here.  In the payment page Note box, please write “FD sponsor,” or “anonymous FD sponsor” if you do not wish to be identified publicly.  Learning Life reserves sole decision-making authority regarding designating sponsors.  For this reason, it is best to contact us first with your intent to sponsor before contributing.  Contact us any time at email@learninglife.info


“Thanks to Learning Life, I expanded my concept of family because it lets me appreciate the world’s colorful and unique human diversity. Everyone who wants to become part of a special and lovely family should join and support Learning Life’s Family Diplomacy Initiative!” -Brenda Orea, Mexico