Good News about Learning Life
Since our annual report in December, we have two exciting growth updates to announce in case you didn’t catch them on our social media pages:
- On Learning Life’s website, we now exceed 4,000 unique visitors per month.
- On our Facebook page, we have passed the 10,000 likes threshold.
In addition, our partner in metro Washington D.C., Signia Surfaces:
- Has established partnerships with four effective local nonprofits, and is working to promote them free on napkins in D.C. eateries. Learn about each of these nonprofits here.
- Is developing an initiative that will put metro D.C. artists, writers and scientists on coasters at D.C. eateries and events. Learn more about this initiative here.
Learning Life and Signia Surfaces share the same purpose to use surfaces to spread knowledge. While Learning Life focuses on spreading knowledge on electronic surfaces, through its website and social media pages, Signia Surfaces is pursuing the above initiatives on ad-funded napkins and coasters locally in metro D.C. If you like what they are doing, here are three simple ways you can help:
- Like Signia Surfaces’ Facebook page. This is both an easy way to show your support, and to keep up with the latest news. Please invite your Facebook friends in metro D.C. to like Signia Surfaces too, and if you’re on Linkedin, please connect with Signia Surfaces there.
- Donate to Learning Life. Signia Surfaces is designed to bring in its own revenue through advertising, but Learning Life relies largely on individual donors. Your donation helps Learning Life produce and spread our free educational content. If you can donate, please consider becoming a sustainer: sustainers help us develop a more regular base of funding by giving a tax-deductible amount (e.g., $5, $10, $25, $50, $100) monthly that’s automatically deducted from your credit card or checking account.
- Subscribe to our Metro D.C. Weekly Learn. If you live in the Washington D.C. metro area, subscribe to Learning Life’s free Metro D.C. Weekly Learn, which offers interesting facts on the politics, economics, history, people and organizations that shape metro D.C.
Learning Life is excited to be working with Signia Surfaces, and looks forward to growing together online and locally in D.C. in 2015!
Paul Lachelier, Ph.D.
Founder, Learning Life