For Students: Practice International Family Diplomacy

Engaging high school, BA and MA students as FDs: Go through training for capstone or extracurricular experience, community service or course requirement: 

    1. Part 1: Learn about families worldwide and citizen diplomacy
      1. Take pre-survey (20 min)
      2. Watch knowledge training videos (about 10 hours) 
      3. Read supporting materials (about 5 hours)  
      4. Take post-survey (20 min) 
    2. Part 2: Develop your storytelling skill 
      1. Record video of pre-training story (20 min) 
      2. Watch storytelling skill training videos (about 5 hours) 
      3. Read supporting materials (about 3 hours) 
      4. Write and practice your family story (about 5 hours) watch models 
      5. Record video of post-training story (20 min) 
    3. Part 3: Learn how to publicize your story
      1. Watch and read materials on how to publicize your story (about 5 hours)
      2. Submit your family story in video and/or written form for publication to at least 5 media outlets (about 3 hours)