Take Part in Visioning a DMV Democracy Community

What does a vibrant democracy community look like in a metro region like the Washington DC area that nurtures wide and deep citizen engagement? Beyond government, what areas of life would be affected? What social and physical infrastructure would be helpful to build and sustain such a community? What do you as a DC area leader want in such a community, and what are you willing to help make a reality?
These are the questions around which Learning Life and our partner, the Alliance for Regional Cooperation, aim to guide discussion during a community visioning at 2:30-4:45pm at the first DMV Democracy Festival (DemFest) on Saturday, October 26, 1:00-6:00pm at Friendship Collegiate Academy, 4095 Minnesota Ave NE in Washington, DC, across the street from the Minnesota Ave Metro Train Station on the Orange Line. This visioning is intended to be the start of an evolving discussion with diverse, individual and organizational stakeholders with the aim to gradually build a vibrant democracy community in the Washington, DC metro region.
If you are a DC area resident, living no more than one hour’s drive from Washington DC, with a demonstrated professional or volunteer commitment to helping strengthen democracy by shaping the fabric of life here in our capital metro region, then sign up now to participate in this special democracy community visioning at DemFest.
We have seats for up to 30 DMV stakeholders to participate in the visioning, and those who reserve in advance have priority for seating at the visioning. Whether you get a seat at the visioning or not, by signing up, you will be kept updated about DemFest, and informed of subsequent DMV democracy community discussions in which you can take part.
The visioning session and the larger DMV Democracy Festival are part of a Democracy Learning Community that Learning Life started developing in 2019 with the launch of our Democracy Dinners.