Join 1,000 Strong for Family Diplomacy
Love family?
Think a focus on families could help bridge cultural divides?
Think families’ voices should be heard more in governments, businesses, nonprofits and media?
Then join 1,000 Strong for Family Diplomacy. Members of 1,000 Strong for Family Diplomacy support Learning Life’s Family Diplomacy Initiative (FDI), an ambitious, long-term effort to connect, train and empower families to participate in decision-making at local to global levels for a more caring world.
Members donate $100 to $1,000 per year to help build family diplomacy for a more caring world. Members, in turn, receive:
(1) Monthly email updates from Learning Life on progress with the development of FDI.
(2) Invitations to FDI live events, including our online training of family diplomats across the world.
(3) Invitation to join, learn, and interact about culture and family with 12,000+ people across the world connected via our FDI Facebook Group.
(4) Recognition as a member of 1,000 Strong for Family Diplomacy via Learning Life’s website, social media, and e-newsletter, which combined reach more than 30,000 people worldwide.
To join 1,000 Strong for Family Diplomacy, simply donate here, and add “1,000 Strong for Family Diplomacy” to the Note box on the donation form. Your donation is 100% tax deductible in the USA.